Monday, November 21, 2011

Green Holidays?

The summer has raced by, the last of autumn's leaves are in a pile by the curb, and Black Friday is just a few days away. How will we celebrate the holidays this year? With another mad dash to the mall to spend precious dollars on (to me) cop-out gift cards or imported goods quickly ditched or broken? Or with quality time spent with family, getting to the heart of the season of good cheer with open hearts and arms?

Without adopting the hubris of trying to solve the nation's deficit problem myself in one season, I resolved this year to adopt simplicity as a life style and seek that true Spirit of Light that so many cultures embrace at this time. It really bothers me that huge foreign countries own so much of our debt, not to mention where that debt came from! So to the greatest extent possible I set myself the challenge of supporting American families, American factories, and feeling some pride in keeping my dollars here at home.

While I won't give away the gifting surprises ; ) I'm pleased to say that I was successful in finding things for the kids that were made here at home, or in small countries I was happy to support. (Not to mention minimal packaging, a small environmental footprint, and/or the ability to continually repurpose or recycle.) And do you have any idea how hard it is nowadays to find American-made goods anymore? It was a wonderful adventure!

As we enter December with mindfulness of the many unmet needs of others much less fortunate than ourselves, may we embrace a simplicity of the spirit which allows us to see everything, everyone, as a Divine Gift reflected in the face of every person we meet, and act gently, and even generously, according to that Spirit.